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Fastw3b wishes you happy holidays!


24 December 2019

This Christmas Eve we are happy to thank all our clients and share our great results that happened through this year. It was a year of a big chgallenge and new approach for extension development and distribution. It was  a year of continuous improvement in our support model and communication with our new and loyal clients. So now it is time to share all achievements and plans we have for the year to come. You can count them as New Year Resolutions if you like.


We made ALL our main products FREE!

Our biggest achievement this year was to conbvert all our products into free main extension + add-ons model. It's been our idea for years, but this year it has become finally true. The process that involved many modifications of extension architecture, shop concept, old version support, design separation and, of course, break down functional parts into smaller add-ons. It's a huge work that is now finished and from now on it will be super easy to develop and update our extensions. A special article will be posted about new extension model, describing all advantages and benefits.

All add-ons are now in an extension you use in ADD-ONS section. You an download/install or purchase any add-on you need just from your website, right where you use it.

Besides new architecture, all extensions were deeply redesigned and updated with the most recent libraries. Demo websites got detailed example pages for every key feature our products have. We also added Showcase section where we post examples of product use for a particular field/application. All demo websites are now grouped under https://demo.fastw3b.com/. Top bar on demo sites allows admin login to explore back-end functionality and try any product before purchase.

We add CSS Styles section to every extension to allow custom modifications that will stay there after any further updates. This is somethings that has been annoying for many of our clients and we finally solved it.

New design concept will provide simple and effective tool for managing layouts and item presentation. This innovation will help us release more designs in the next year.

With all things we did we still have many more to do. So here is our resolution list:

  1. Improve/update documentation for all extensions.
  2. Unify all our products. Keep the same approach to similar functionality to support ease of use and usability.
  3. Release at least 1 version a month.
  4. Develop more designs.
  5. Add a new Showcase to demo websites at least once every 2 months.
  6. Keep our Support standards at a high level and provide quick and effective response.
  7. Listen to our clients and implement ideas you suggest.

It's been another great year for Fastw3b and we can't wait to see and talk to you in a coming new 2020 year! Enjoy the holidays and see you soon!

Sergiy Gorstka, The head of development

Sergiy works with clients, discussing potential websites architecture and plan new products releases. Web developer, project manager and enthusiast since 2003. A Joomla! Day UK conference speaker. Focuses on utilizing experience from WordPress, Joomla! and Magento projects to increase clients satisfaction of Fastw3b's effective web solutions. Looks at website development as a business perspective rather than another project.