FW Food Menu

FW Food Menu

Online food ordering system with payment and delivery options. Responsive menu with meals promo and add-ons, individual category/sub-category design and layout settings for café, bars and restaurants.

All features & Screenshots

Product Features

Responsive Online Menu
Mobile friendly layouts for best performance and look on any device. Default minimalistic design is built on Bootstrap and can use its own library to avoid conflicts.
Multilingual menu
FWFM Multilingual
Translate FW Food Menu in as many languages as you have installed on your website.
Text Columns
Categories & sub-categories
Unlimited number of categories and sub-categories allowed. Food, drinks menu categories designed by any criteria in any sequence.
Meal HTML description
Create your menu style with HTML description for every meal. If you need to change look and feel of every item pay attention to design add-ons.
Designed Menu
Meal image
FWFM Images
Assign picture to a meal or a drink to show visitors what meal looks like and make online menu more attractive.
Tabbed Layout
Price labels
FWFM Prices & Modifiers
Name a meal options set with modifiers to make them clear to your customers.
Meal title image
FWFM Images
Add an image to a category title and put it on top, left, right for best category presentation and ease of navigation.
Price modifiers
FWFM Prices & Modifiers
Adds a meal extras with respective price update. Allows choosing meal size when using Online Order add-on.
Online Order
Online order
FWFM Order Online
Add meals to shopping basket, update quantity, select meal sizes, send order to a manager specifying delivery time and extra comments if needed.
Delivery zones
FWFM Delivery
Courier delivery zones with individual fee and min order amount.
FWFM Prices & Modifiers
Set a discounted price for a meal to make it stand out in a menu list.
Meta data
FWFM SEO Booster
Meta description and keywords for categories. Product structured data for every meal item.

More features

Layout options
Category list or Menu layout available for menu items. Every layout has additional menu item options for final tuning. Available add-ons can be tuned on/off as needed.
Currency settings
Price currency parameters for proper sign and abbreviation codes. Currency is used for Online Order add-on to show price and calculate total.
Individual category settings
Categories has their own settings and can configured individually. It allows to make empty parent category and then have sub-category listed in 2 columns.
Text and image blocks
Use empty category HTML description to add text and image blocks in-between other categories or on a side.
Quick tools
Use Quick Meals and Quick Categories to create menu structure in fill it with data in minutes in a text mode.
Multi-column layout
Show meals in 1-3 columns with individual settings for every category. You can combine any column layout using sub-categories.
Meal image placement
Specify image placement on top, bottom, left, right per category to create needed layout for a certain menu section.
Meal badges
Create a custom set of badges with own titles to use through menu meals and help customers find what they want.
Working hours
Show Open/Closed status to your visitors.
16 Add-ons


Design, Functional and Layout units, that extend product in many ways.
Free add-ons can be installed via Admin -> Add-ons section on your website. To get access to paid add-ons, you need ANY active subscription, that will grant access to ALL paid add-ons.
FWFM Text Menu

Text Menu inspired design with classic palette colors and font that helps to create the right atmosphere for a small cozy café or a pub.

FWFM Online Order Menu Design

Online Order Menu responsive design, created specifically for websites that have extended menu description with online ordering.

FWFM Columns

Adds Columns option for Categoris layout allowing wrapping meals and subcategories into columns. Different number of columns can be configured for different categories or can be set to Default inheriting global Settings.

FWFM Tab Categories

The best way to show menu on a single page. Selecting any categories you want to show on a page you will see them exactly the way they were designed. So if you need to show very different menu styles or if all categories are styled the same way Cascading Layout will help to show them in one place without reloading the whole page.

FWFM Prices & Modifiers

Allows multiprice options for one meal. Add different sizes of a meal or extras that may come with it. Optional and required option groups are allowed.

  • Create pricing layers with labels, size and discounts.
  • Create pricing groups in addition to the main price.
  • Set extra pricing groups as optional or required.
  • Live price calculation as a client selects meal options.
  • In cart price options editing.
FWFM Order Online

Get online order from your customers including portion pricing differences and quantity of items. Discounts also apply if you have them configured. All orders are stored at Orders section. Notification is sent via email.

FWFM Multilingual

Multilingual option for FW Food Menu. After add-on is installed and activated you will be able to select a language for every meal and category when editing information. A number of languages available is a number of languages installed on your Joomla! website.

FWFM Text Notifications

Built upon Twilio service that allows to send text messages to mobiles and via WhatsApp when new order is made.

FWFM Delivery

Adds Courier delivery in addition to Dine-in, Pre-order and Pickup delivery options in FWFM Order Online add-on. You can set delivery zones by distance from a restaurant or café with individual fees and minimal order amount.

FWFM Images

Adds images to meals listing with option to show them on to the left, right, top or hide. Having images for the category it would add a nice slide show of meals in Category List view when hovering a category. Also adds an image to category title with top/left/right option. Often category image to use group of meals listed in it.

FWFM Badges

Activates Badges section in FW Food Menu admin and allows adding custom badges with text or svg/png/jpg icons and title available as a hint when selected for a meal.

FWFM Ingredients & Allergens

Adds an ability to list meal ingredients and point out allergens among them, or mark allergens separately.

FWFM Calories

Adds 5 parameters to every meal description of energy, protein, fat, saturated fat and carbs shown in a nicely designed popup.

FWFM SEO Booster

Adds Google Structured data to a page code for robots to index all important part of a menu. Also allows meta tags like description and keywords to be added to each category.

Structured Data code to enriches Food Menu meals markup with tags for search bots to read data and present it in the search results. Structured data is a standardized format to mark up the information about the web page. It serves to search engines like Google, Bing and others to better understand what the web page is about.


FWFM Time & Hours

Adds a section to set working hours for a restaurant or a café. This info is used for FWFM Working Hours module to show live Open/Closed status 24/7, based on working hours information.

FWFM Working Hours

Shows current day of week and Open/Closed status for a restaurant or cafe 24/7, based on working hours set in FWFM Time & Hours add-on.

2 Services


Product specific services are listed in this section. Every service can be customized individually for a client, based on the needs and budget. Our manager will ALWAYS get in touch with you and confirm the scope, BEFORE payment is made.
Multilingual Content


Any Interface Translation

The product comes with native English interface translation. Any additional language activated on your website can be installed via Translations section in Admin.

Multilingual Content

For multilingual websites, use FWFM Multilingual add-on. It allows translating all content stored in FW Food Menu database into any number of additional languages.


Subscription Plans

EVERY subscription includes free updates for ALL add-ons, while active.
After subscription expires, the product and all its add-ons remain functional and can be used further.
  • Update period
  • Update limit
  • Lifetime usage
  • Add-ons
  • Technical Support
FWFM Start
$10 USD
per month
  • Update period
    6 mo
  • Update limit
    3 sites
  • Lifetime usage
  • Add-ons
  • Technical Support
FWFM Medium
$20 USD
per month
  • Update period
    6 mo
  • Update limit
    6 sites
  • Lifetime usage
  • Add-ons
  • Technical Support
$15 USD
per month
  • Update period
    12 mo
  • Update limit
    9 sites
  • Lifetime usage
  • Add-ons
  • Technical Support

Frequently Asked Qustions

Extended answers to the questions our customers ask via Ticket Support, while using our product. Don't hesitate to ask yours, in case you don't find the information you need below.
Is FW Food Menu a free plugin?

Yes, FW Food Menu is a free plugin with a comprehensive set of features suitable for most food websites.

How to install add-ons?

Go to Admin panel -> FW Food Menu -> Dashboard. Make sure to verify your website to connect it with your fastw3b.com account and download free and purchased add-ons.

Why do I need to verify my website?

Verification is required for the following reasons:

  1. To install plugin and add-on updates.
  2. To get support in Client Section at fastw3b.com.
  3. To be able to install/update free and purchased add-ons.
  4. To buy new add-ons from Admin -> FW Food Menu -> Add-ons section.
What are add-ons?

Add-ons are specific plugins that work only with FW Food Menu plugin and extend its functionality in various ways. Add-on can be another layout with shortcode to use, a new set of parameters to extend existing plugin functions or even a design for plugin elements.

Why would I need an add-on?

While FW Food Menu is fully seld-sufficient solution, add-ons may add features your website needs. The main plugin has a functionality that is critical for it to work. All other features come as add-ons to allow customers decide which configuration they prefer on their website. Add-on is the simplest way to add new features and design to FW Food Menu.

How to get an add-on?

There are 2 ways to get add-ons:

  1. Go to Admin -> FW Food Menu -> Add-ons and get add-ons from there.
  2. Go to FW Food Menu official page on fastw3b.com, scroll to Add-ons section and get them from there.

All add-ons you have available will be listed in Admin -> FW Food Menu -> Dashboard -> Add-ons section.

FW Food Menu Product Changelog
FW Food Menu Product Changelog