Instagram is a powerful source of content for a media Joomla gallery website. Now, thanks to FW Gallery Instagram Plugin getting the content into your Joomla website has never been easier. Whether you want to increase your traffic, grow your business online presence, save a ton of time on preparing the content or simply keep a safe backup of your Instagram images and posts, Instagram import will get the job done.
Instagram import gives users the ability to upload their Instagram photos to their gallery website. Now, you can have a copy of your Instagram gallery alongside with other galleries on your website. Let’s consider some of the most common use cases of Instagram - Joomla website import:
FW Gallery Instagram Import makes it easy to display images from your Instagram account on your Joomla website. It is a reliable Instagram images import tool with many great features like plain installation and integration process, posts importing, ability to stop uploading right in the middle of the process, etc. FW Gallery Instagram Import is the add-on installed on top of FW Gallery. So before getting started with FW Gallery Instagram Plugin you need to have FW Gallery component installed on your Joomla website. Having installed FW Gallery component and FW Gallery Instagram Plugin, you only need to link your Joomla website to your Instagram account.
Documentation reference: Getting started with FW Gallery tutorial.
Once the integration process is completed, choose the gallery you would like to display on your website and click the import button. All images from your Instagram account will get automatically uploaded. You can stop importing right in the middle of the process clicking the stop button. The import operation is not limited just to image importing itself. All data coming along with images get automatically imported to your gallery website as well. The objective of the import process is not only backing up the images but also your posts with hashtags and dates.
After the import operation is completed, Instagram gallery then can be customized like any other gallery and inserted into your posts and pages or displayed in the attractive FW Gallery Slideshow or Carousel Module. Configure the gallery to your taste - set a gallery grid, design, pagination, sizing, number of images to be displayed on a single page, and many more.
With FW Gallery Instagram Import you get lots of benefits. Easily synchronize your Instagram content with your Joomla website content, grow your brand, save your time, backup your Instagram images and posts, increase your traffic, present your Instagram images in different ways.
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