Clustering simplifies data visualization by combining the data which are close to each other on the map in general form.
Working with large amounts of data points in geo applications usually tends to render many markers on maps. This may contradict the usability when markers start to clutter the overview, overlay each other, and in other ways decrease the usability of the map. When a map has too many points to convey a clear meaning, the information needs to be simplified.
Reducing the amount of points on the map can be accomplished by grouping points by certain criteria and displaying with different colors and sizes, icons, placement rules, and more .
The clustering can be dynamic to change depending on amount of markers on the map, and the given zoom level.
Clustering is automatically enabled on your maps with 300 or more locations. You can adjust the setting under advanced options when either creating or editing your map. A basic clustered map displays the number of markers it represents. The larger that number, the greater the diameter of the circle representing the cluster.
If your Real Estate website is populated with thousands of properties you definitely need to have Clustering Map on your website. This search module groups properties based on their location and shows clusters of properties on the map. Clicking on each of these clusters zoom and pans the map, and breaks the clusters to smaller clusters, until a level where you can see individual properties on the map.
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