How to create a successful Real Estate blog on your website: 8 Tips for writing text

Property Websites

11 February 2018

If you want to make your blog successful and popular, it should have several key elements. So, to get started you need to define the purpose of your blog.

Successful blog can perform the following functions:
  • It will serve as a communication channel, regularly providing relevant information;
  • It will help in working with the search optimization of your website;
  • Increase the customer base and sales;
  • It will help in communicating and interacting with potential clients.

If you want to get your blog started to bring the desired result, use these 8 tips that will help you generate new clients and keep current clients happy and well informed.

8 helpful tips to help you write and maintain a successful real estate blog

1.Be helpful. By providing your website visitors valuable information, you will notice that people not only read your blogs, but also share it. The more useful information, the faster growing number of your subscribers.

2. Use attractive headlines. The headline is the first thing visitors are going to read. The headlines of your blog should be a lure and the reason why people want to come to your website. Select headlines that are sure will be of interest, but does not fully disclose the topic of your blog. You want to give a hint, but not to give out all the secrets.A great headline will pique your reader’s interest, and when followed by amazing content, you will gain a client for life. As a good example is the use of numbers in the headlines. If the opportunity presents itself, interject key word phrases that can help get your post ranked well in the search engines.

3. Be honest. You have full control over your content, but do not be tempted and do not abuse it. It makes no sense to distort the facts or to invent new about what you do not understand, and especially not worth it to give the words of others as their own. Write about what you are confident. Plagiarism can discredit you as a reliable agent and could bring unwanted legal issues.Search engines can find duplicate content and if it is not an original work, you will not receive any benefit SEO. If you are not well versed in some matters, study them properly. Qualitative performance of your work will provide a positive assessment on the part of readers. Stay true to your blog and your readers by publishing the only reliable material and then your blog will be known as an authoritative and reliable source of information.

4. Brevity is the soul of wit. Most visitors  before reading will  be scanning your blog. Avoid large blocks of content! Very long blogs like novels for a long time in the past. So it is better to stick to brevity in his writings, otherwise there is the likelihood that your readers will lose interest. To attract more users to your blog, the posts should be easy to read, so try to convey your idea as short as possible way. Paragraph breaks, bullet points, numbered lists and other techniques are great ways to break up the content and make it easily to digest.The optimal length of a blog entry to 700 characters, so that it gets indexed by the search engines.

5. Include relevant links.
Relevant links to help readers get additional information about the studied subject. The links will delight readers and will help reduce the length of your text.Google's robots (tool used by Google for search, and indexing pages) love blogs and links that lead to other relevant sites. Make sure that the link through which the user moved from your site opens in a new window. This must be done so that readers do not leave your site by clicking on a link.

6. Blog design. Select a blog design that is easy to read and navigate. Make your writing with bright, easy to read, and friendly.

7. Blog frequently. Blog traffic tends to grow once you start to post more frequently. Writing more often will not only keep your followers coming back for more, but it is also a great way for bringing organic search traffic to your real estate blog. публикуйте your blog once a week at a minimum.

8. Be literate. Spelling is the first indication that your site is one that can be trusted.Your visitors’ first impression of your blog could be instantly tarnished by spelling mistakes.