FWRE Map View

Plugin Version: 4.0.0 (20 June 2024)

A view for property listings when items are listed on a selected map as markers with detailed info shown on hover. Includes Google Maps, MapBox and Yandex Maps integration.

All Features

Maps for properties
Add Google Maps, MapBox or Yandex Maps to show property location for your listings.
FWRE Map View Product Changelog
Version 4.0.0 (Major) released on 20 Jun 2024, 1 modification
  • UIkit uk prefix in css classes was replaced to fwk, in scripts to UIkit class was added the fwk prefix to avoid conflicts with UIkit used in templates and others extensions
Version 3.2.5 (Maintenance) released on 11 Mar 2024, 1 modification
New features
  • Map view to be set to satellite or other map type parameter
Version 3.2.4 (Maintenance) released on 29 Jan 2024, 1 modification
  • fixed search in the property Layout Anywhere module
Version 3.2.3 (Maintenance) released on 21 Nov 2023, 2 modifications
  • Add to Google maps params in Admin more Zoom levels 10 - 19
  • Fixed displaying properties data after map icon click under certain circumstances
Version 3.2.2 (Maintenance) released on 03 Nov 2023, 2 modifications
New features
  • displaying multiple properties located along the same coordinate
  • Joomla! v.5.x compatibility
Version 3.2.1 (Maintenance) released on 11 Sep 2023, 3 modifications
  • Map view must remember open item on reload
  • added a hint in edit property admin
  • new property display map error fix
Version 3.2.0 (Minor) released on 26 Jun 2023, 1 modification
  • Moved all site template files (from the component, modules, add-ons) to the design add-ons
Version 3.1.0 (Minor) released on 17 Apr 2023, 1 modification
  • Full admin design update
Version 3.0.2 (Maintenance) released on 17 Feb 2022, 2 modifications
  • Icons fix after removing Font Awesome icons.
  • Map view critical fix to show property popup on marker click
Version 3.0.1 (Maintenance) released on 15 Feb 2022, 1 modification
  • Optimized Map View to avoid map markers duplication for some templates, when properties are clustered.
Version 3.0.0 (Major) released on 13 Feb 2022, 4 modifications
New features
  • UIKit (replacement to Bootstrap) layout redesign.
  • Language constants revision and correction.
  • Configuration parameters update and optimization.
  • Bugfix clean up and optimization.
Version 2.1.0 (Minor) released on 09 Sep 2021, 2 modifications
  • Major Joomla! 4 review
  • Joomla! 4 router update
Version 2.0.0 (Major) released on 22 Jun 2021, 2 modifications
New features
  • Major add-on review in terms of architecture and functionality.
  • Joomla! 4.0.x compatibility.
Version 1.3.0 (Minor) released on 15 Oct 2020, 1 modification
New features
  • Radial search feature, allowing to set center point with coordinates and radius with mi/km to be visible on a Map View.
Version 1.2.2 (Maintenance) released on 22 Aug 2020, 1 modification
  • Address GEOcoding parsing update after new fields were added.
Version 1.2.1 (Maintenance) released on 19 Jul 2020, 1 modification
  • Fields style update to match other fields and sections.
Version 1.2.0 (Minor) released on 10 Jul 2020, 1 modification
  • Supports separated from address apartment number field changed in FWRE version 3.8.0.
Version 1.1.0 (Minor) released on 10 May 2020, 1 modification
New features
  • Allows using different map services when installed and configured. Google, Mapbox and Yandex maps are available.
Version 1.0.2 (Maintenance) released on 13 Mar 2020, 1 modification
  • Special update to make add-on work with Joomla! native update system and show updates available if logged in into Fastw3b account with client Access Code.
Version 1.0.1 (Maintenance) released on 01 Mar 2020, 1 modification
  • Map view field can now be enabled/disabled on front-end in Property Fields section.