FW Real Estate

MLS/IDX property listings

Property listing platform with add-ons for brokers and agencies. MLS/IDX integration add-ons and services, clean property info, advanced search layouts, lead forms, easy configuration and management.

FW Food Menu

Restaurant menu & ordering

Online food ordering system with payment and delivery options. Responsive menu with meals promo and add-ons, individual category/sub-category design and layout settings for café, bars and restaurants.

FW Gallery

Photo, video, audio portfolio

Responsive media (images, video, audio) file gallery with drag & drop files upload, multi-level sub-categories, tags, slideshow, Instagram and FTP import and many other add-ons.

FW Virtuemart Rental

Products calendar booking

The easiest way to turn your selling website into a rental shop or start a new one. Rental periods, stock control, booking calendars, form designs and more.

Custom Development

$499.00 USD
4 days
  • Build a new custom solution for your existing website on PHP.
  • Improve/upgrade existing functionality.
  • Integrate 3rd party services into your website.
  • Add new features to the existing functionality.

Website development

$3499.00 USD
14 days

Professional web presentation of any products, services or the information, valuable to your clients. Individual design with a focus on the primary goals of your website. Effective planning and fast development. Individual approach to every Website Development project.

Website upgrade

$2499.00 USD
10 days

A working website can never stay the same for a long time. Having a modern and functional website guarantee higher traffic and more income. Technologies are changing all the times, new better payment system appear, design needs revision or a full update, mobile view is not responsive enough, website is slow... these are few examples of why a good website needs a constant update. We can help with that!

We are a group of developers and enthusiasts
working with Wordpress and Joomla!
Joomla free extensions to support Ukraine

Joomla free extensions to support Ukraine

Dear customers, Despite the fact we are a US registered company, our development team is located in Ukraine. After months of threats and blackmailing, Russi...
How to avoid drop in SEO ranking with real estate IDX integration

How to avoid drop in SEO ranking with real estate IDX integration

Property Websites
Real estate IDX or MLS integration is a proven way to automate listings population online. Such integration allows to have many content rich pages with actua...
Getting clients online is any restaurant's dream

Getting clients online is any restaurant's dream

Restaurant Websites
According to statistics, revenue in the Online Food Delivery segment is projected to reach 5-15% in 2022 for countries all over the world. While COVID-19 pan...