How better to show the open hours and contact information on your website of the restaurant?

Restaurant Websites

15 April 2017

Always include contact info, location and opening hours on your website. Contact information such as telephone, fax, and email should be visible on every page of the website. It’s a good idea to place it near the top of the website, where it can be quickly accessed on mobile devices. A plain-text phone number should be used so that on phones, it can be clicked to make a call.

The restaurant location can be shown using an embedded Google Map. Place the address in plain text alongside the Google Map. Again, this can be clicked on mobile devices to initiate a maps app and get directions.
Providing the best ways to get in touch is an essential part of the contact page. Contact page has the ability to entice visitors and convince them to either make a purchase or booking table.

Here are 3 tips that will help establish a connection between you and your site visitors.

1.Functional. Take the time to double-check everything on the page. Having links that are broken or won’t send properly is just bad for business. People can't communicate with you if the email or phone number links are not functional. That kind of defeats the purpose of the contact page.

2. Good view. The contact page may not sound the most interesting, but don’t neglect its appearance. If you have a poorly designed page, people won’t be interested in establishing further relations.

3. Responsive. Since most of the web has gone mobile app, make sure your contact page works on all mobile devices. If you have a physical location, people can access a map on the contact page and locate place of your restaurant from their phones.

In the template below, there's a large, eye-catching map right in the footer. Right next to the map is all the contact information that you need: email,open hours, phone number, social links, etc.

How better to show the open hours and contact information on your website of the restaurant Fastw3b 2

As you can see, contact, open hours and location information is an high priority for a restaurant's website, so this information should be on the homepage in a prominent location.
Remember that well-informed and friendly website will always be in demand and popular.

If you want to build Restaurant or Cafe Website, create with Fastw3b!
For more information or to get your website contact us via online chat FW Real Estate.

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Sergiy Gorstka, The head of development

Sergiy works with clients, discussing potential websites architecture and plan new products releases. Web developer, project manager and enthusiast since 2003. A Joomla! Day UK conference speaker. Focuses on utilizing experience from WordPress, Joomla! and Magento projects to increase clients satisfaction of Fastw3b's effective web solutions. Looks at website development as a business perspective rather than another project.