There is always something you want to improve on your website if it is live and used by customers. In the variety of technologies and server configurations, it is difficult to find an out-of-the-box product that can be installed to fulfil the next need. This is where our Custom Development service comes handy. Get the expert to find the best solution for the need you have within the existing environment.
Looking for a reliable and professional team to build your new website? You found it! Years of non-stop website development with a team of developers and designers allowed to shape the best practices on how to approach, plan, develop and hand over a new website to a client. We know available solutions on the market, we track design trends, we have feedback from our clients to apply this experience on other projects.
Your website is live and serves the customers? There is always something to add, fix or integrate. Starting with functionality, that is never enough or smooth. Moving on to design that just must be refreshed or improved from time to time. Paying attention to optimization of the overall website performance or database query speed. And finally, tweaking SEO friendliness to maintain high search ranking and customer usability.
Get a PHP/JS custom solution that matches your needs and environment configuration.
Term: 4 days
Price: $499 USD
Get a brand-new functional website with reliable CMS, solid design and SEO friendly.
Term: 14 days
Price: $3,499 USD
Get a fresh look for your website, update the code, optimize performance, improve SEO.
Term: 10 days
Price: $2,499 USD
Property listing platform with add-ons for brokers and agencies. MLS/IDX integration add-ons and services, clean property info, advanced search layouts, lead forms, easy configuration and management.
Search property form with different layouts and display fields settings. Depending on selected parameters search form can look very different to meet your needs.
A view for property listings when items are listed in a grid with images on top and detailed info below.
A view for property listings when items are listed on a selected map as markers with detailed info shown on hover. Includes Google Maps, MapBox and Yandex Maps integration.
Adds Slideshow Layout to Property listing options for menu item. Allows select Slideshow layout in Layout Module to place in module position and articles.
Show List, Grid, Map views in module positions with specified filters. Works like menu item layout, but in a module position. Can be pasted into article content.
Adds Contact Form with invisible captcha to a single property page. All sent requests are stored in Leads section in Admin and notifications email are sent to specified admin email and sender's email.
Add any text fields to your property listings. When a new field is added, it would appear on the edit form and will be available for all properties on a website. You can add new tabs to the front-end and group the fields inside new and available groups and tabs.
Adds status labels on property listings and single property pages. Label is placed on top of property image and can be configured via Dictionaries by setting background and text colors. Also can be used for filtering on layout pages.
Adds possibility to set multiple currencies on the website and switch between them. Main currency should be selecetd. Rates in relation to main currency can be set manually or automatically.
Front-end manager allows Agents to manage properties without logging into admin panel. Agents can add new properties and edit theirs. An agent must be published to gain access to Front-end Manager.
Adds Floor Plans section to Property page provising detailed information on every floow with size, description and plan image.
Activates Agents section with ability to assign virtual agents or select an agent from registered users and assign to a property. Adds a dozen of agent related fields to fill information about an agent. Every Agent has a profile, a link to properties he/she manages.
Allows altering property and agent pages URLs, masking them using parameters like {site} {category} {type} {price} {title} {address} {agent_company} {agent_name} {agent_tel} or custom text. Also enables Google Structured meta tags for better indexing by search engine bots.
Indicates hours when a property is availavle for a tour with agent. A note is shown on top of property photo.
Allows users to save searches with certain parameters to their account and get notifications when properties matching creteria arrive.
A pack of 20 fields that extend property description, add financial and valuation fields and amenities. Some fields are part of search and are added to the search form after the add-on is installed. Some fields are Dictionaries and should be edited in Dictionaries section.
Adds Featured parameter to all properties allowing to mark certain listings and give them the following preferences:
Adds Favourites menu for logged in User Section where a user can store favorite properties. User section layout should be configured beforehand.
Allow comparing selected properties in a table. Compare is a part of User Section view that doesn't require registration/login to be accessed.
Allows adding prepared PDF brochure to a peoperty that would appear as a PDF Download link on a single property page. Also it shows as additional tab or section (depending on settings) on a single property page.
Adds text and image watermark to all newly uploaded photos. Also allow to re-apply watermark to all uploaded images after watermark is changed.
Adds Video tab on a Single Property page next to Photos tab.
3D Tour tab on single property view with link to interactive tour across property.
Enables Facebook, Twitter and Email to friend options for properties. Social share works via web share protocols. Email to friend opens a pop-up window allowing to add comments and other information to share the property with a list of friends.
Shows selected properties from a category or by selected parameters as a list or a slideshow.
Mortgage Calculator form allows to calculate mortgage payments for a property. Automatically assigns property cost if shown on a property page.
Shows selected agent in a module with his/her contact information and property listings link. Layout configuration is available.
MLS/IDX integration add-on that is ready to be used with any provider, who follows RESO (Real Estate Standards Organization) Web API, formerly known as Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS). All you need to have your website synced with your MLS/IDX provider is to have a valid account with access to property data feed, fill in access info in add-on and configure cron job for automated data synchronization.
Real estate official minimal design theme that includes layouts for all listing views, property page, all modules and extra add-ons.
Online food ordering system with payment and delivery options. Responsive menu with meals promo and add-ons, individual category/sub-category design and layout settings for café, bars and restaurants.
Text Menu inspired design with classic palette colors and font that helps to create the right atmosphere for a small cozy café or a pub.
Offer your visitors to order food at the table from their mobiles, navigating your online food menu. Let them pay with credit cards at the table. Generate QR-codes to mark your tables and you are good to go.
Online Order Menu responsive design, created specifically for websites that have extended menu description with online ordering.
Adds Columns option for Categoris layout allowing wrapping meals and subcategories into columns. Different number of columns can be configured for different categories or can be set to Default inheriting global Settings.
The best way to show menu on a single page. Selecting any categories you want to show on a page you will see them exactly the way they were designed. So if you need to show very different menu styles or if all categories are styled the same way Cascading Layout will help to show them in one place without reloading the whole page.
Allows multiprice options for one meal. Add different sizes of a meal or extras that may come with it. Optional and required option groups are allowed.
Get online order from your customers including portion pricing differences and quantity of items. Discounts also apply if you have them configured. All orders are stored at Orders section. Notification is sent via email.
Multilingual option for FW Food Menu. After add-on is installed and activated you will be able to select a language for every meal and category when editing information. A number of languages available is a number of languages installed on your Joomla! website.
Built upon Twilio service that allows to send text messages to mobiles and via WhatsApp when new order is made.
Adds Courier delivery in addition to Dine-in, Pre-order and Pickup delivery options in FWFM Order Online add-on. You can set delivery zones by distance from a restaurant or café with individual fees and minimal order amount.
Adds images to meals listing with option to show them on to the left, right, top or hide. Having images for the category it would add a nice slide show of meals in Category List view when hovering a category. Also adds an image to category title with top/left/right option. Often category image to use group of meals listed in it.
Activates Badges section in FW Food Menu admin and allows adding custom badges with text or svg/png/jpg icons and title available as a hint when selected for a meal.
Adds an ability to list meal ingredients and point out allergens among them, or mark allergens separately.
Adds 5 parameters to every meal description of energy, protein, fat, saturated fat and carbs shown in a nicely designed popup.
Adds Google Structured data to a page code for robots to index all important part of a menu. Also allows meta tags like description and keywords to be added to each category.
Structured Data code to enriches Food Menu meals markup with tags for search bots to read data and present it in the search results. Structured data is a standardized format to mark up the information about the web page. It serves to search engines like Google, Bing and others to better understand what the web page is about.
Adds a section to set working hours for a restaurant or a café. This info is used for FWFM Working Hours module to show live Open/Closed status 24/7, based on working hours information.
Shows current day of week and Open/Closed status for a restaurant or cafe 24/7, based on working hours set in FWFM Time & Hours add-on.
Responsive media (images, video, audio) file gallery with drag & drop files upload, multi-level sub-categories, tags, slideshow, Instagram and FTP import and many other add-ons.
Youtube, Vimeo, MP4 videos for your gallery website.
Allows adding MP3, WAV, OGG, ACC files to categories and mix them with the others.
Share your images on social media.
Tabbed layout allows to show each category separately from the others and use its unique design and settings to emphasize exactly what is required. Tabbed structure saves vertical space and provides quick access to the category list. Can be used with FWG Layout Anywhere add-on to add tabbed categories as a module.
Galleries and images display on Google Maps.
Advanced search for your Joomla website.
All meta information that comes with file gets imported.
FWG Files Import add-on adds import feature to Admin -> Data management section and to Front-end Manager -> Import tab. Following import options are available:
Allows altering category and file pages URLs masking them using parameters like {site}, {category}, {file} or custom text. Also allows to set rules for file names and alt texts for your gallery files. Keep URLs, file names and alt tags unified and attractive for search engine bots.
Place a category or a single file view in a module position or content with all individual category settings.
Display files from a category in a module in different layouts, with different filter options and ordering.
Adds a slideshow view for galleries layout also available for Layout Anywhere module add-on. Full image slideshow presentation view with auto-scroll, thubmnails and file infobox. A wide list of settings available for infobox to configure what information goes with a slideshow.
Clean and minimalistic design for your gallery. Allows presenting your galleries in an attractive and simple way.
Add tags to any files, group files and create galleries by tags, search by tags using Tags Add-on.
Simple voting with stars, hearts or thumbs.
Galleries and files management via front-end.
Highlight important files as featured to show them on top or use them for a separate showcase in Latest Module.
Clean and modern-looking design for your gallery. Designed for a particular stylish hover effect with all extra information on it for better presentation.
Clean and modern-looking design for your gallery. A well-structured layout allows you to show off your galleries in an elegant way and gives your visitors a pleasing experience.
A visually-appealing design for your gallery based on Pinterest listing design. Allows to create brilliant and modern-looking portfolios to showcase your works especially with masonry layout.
Present your gallery with awesome polaroid design. Enables you to create stylish and responsive images grids in polaroid style.
The easiest way to turn your selling website into a rental shop or start a new one. Rental periods, stock control, booking calendars, form designs and more.
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WordPress, Joomla!, custom development projects serving hundreds of clients since 2007
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Joomla! name is used under a limited license from Open Source Matters in the United States and other countries. Fastw3b LLC is not affiliated with or endorsed by Open Source Matters or the Joomla! project.