Stars rating or thumbs/heart votes will be shown for rateted/voted files in this column.
List of all files in all categories separated by file types with key parameters and status.
Table columns
Stars rating or thumbs/heart votes will be shown for rateted/voted files in this column.
Category Add/Edit
Category functional and design settings.
Files design Tab
Files grid item Section
Design and layout for a file item in a grid.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Rating type FWG Vote & Rate
Stars allow rate a file from 1 to 5 starts. Hearts work as likes and will only show those who liked a file. Thumbs will show both positive and negative votes.
File view Section
Design and layout for a file page or lightbox.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Global FW Gallery parameters grouped by categories. Note that global Categories and Files design and layout parameters can be overwritten with individual category or file settings.
Files design Tab
Category files grid, grid item and single file page parameters.
Files grid item Section
Design and layout for a file item in a grid.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Rating type FWG Vote & Rate
Stars allow rate a file from 1 to 5 starts. Hearts work as likes and will only show those who liked a file. Thumbs will show both positive and negative votes.
File view Section
Design and layout for a file page or lightbox.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Add-ons Tab
All settings available in installed FW Gallery add-ons are listed on this tab.
Vote & Rate Section FWG Vote & Rate

Allows to vote or rate files with a selected rating type.
Non-registered voting
Allow non-registered visitors to vote on files.
Slideshow Layout Section
Category files slideshow can be used as a category menu item view or in Layout Anywhere module.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Rating type FWG Vote & Rate
Stars allow rate a file from 1 to 5 starts. Hearts work as likes and will only show those who liked a file. Thumbs will show both positive and negative votes.