Brief overview of product, current statistics, important checks and add-ons state with many other useful links and references.
Located in
Admin Main Menu -> Components -> FW Food Menu -> Dashboard
FW Food Menu
![FW Food Menu Main product update status, available <strong>add-ons</strong> and useful links.](
Main product update status, available add-ons and useful links.
Content statistics
![Content statistics Total information of available meals in different categories and files.](
Total information of available meals in different categories and files.
Published/Total categories currently available in FW Food Menu product. Click a link to open
Categories section
Published/Total meals currently available in FW Food Menu product. Click a link to open
Meals section
Files total
Total file size currently uploaded into FW Food Menu product folder.
Quick check
![Quick check A list of the most critical elements for <strong>FW Food Menu</strong> product to work.](
A list of the most critical elements for FW Food Menu product to work.
Spread the love
![Spread the love For those few who still care to share a positive experience of work with <strong>FW Food Menu</strong>.](
For those few who still care to share a positive experience of work with FW Food Menu.
Useful Services
![Useful Services Services related to <strong>FW Food Menu</strong> that may help you extend or customize product design and layout.](
Services related to FW Food Menu that may help you extend or customize product design and layout.
Available add-ons & updates
![Available add-ons & updates Based on a verified account all <strong>add-ons</strong> installed on this website will show available options to install, disable or update, depending on a current state of an <strong>add-on</strong>.](
Based on a verified account all add-ons installed on this website will show available options to install, disable or update, depending on a current state of an add-on.
Table columns
Add-on preview image from
Fastw3b product page
Add-on name, current version, dependencies and useful links.
Add-on available actions depending on current state: Install, Update, Disable.
Add-on type: Module, Plugin, Design.