
FWFM Category List

FW Food Menu tutorial for Joomla!

Shows a list of selected categories with links to menu pages. If a category is on the same page as a <code>Category list</code> it will not reload and will just scroll to a category clicked. If a module show categories located on a different page a link will take a customer to a page with a category and scroll to its title. There is a <code>Hide hidden titles</code> parameter that helps to keep <code>Category list</code> clean from non-visible categories.
Shows a list of selected categories with links to menu pages. If a category is on the same page as a Category list it will not reload and will just scroll to a category clicked. If a module show categories located on a different page a link will take a customer to a page with a category and scroll to its title. There is a Hide hidden titles parameter that helps to keep Category list clean from non-visible categories.
Select categories
Select parent categories with their subcategories to be shown in Category list.
Hide hidden titles
Hide categories which has Show title parameter set to No. Using categories with no titles allows to add text blocks in-between categories or group other categories into sections with different number of columns, thus they will not contain any meals.