![Categories Layout <code>Categories Layout</code> shows categories with their titles, short descriptions. number of meals and View Menu button, depending on settings. <code>Categories</code> look may vary depending on a parent category or global <code>Settings</code> <strong>Design</strong> parameter.<div class="fw-doc-only"><strong>Located</strong> in <code>Admin Main Menu -> Menus -> [Some Menu] -> Add New Menu item</code> -> <code>FW Food Menu -> Categories Layout</code></div>](https://fastw3b.com/images/fwdoc/fwfoodmenu/FWFM_DOC_ADMIN_MENUPARAMS_CATEGORY.jpg)
Categories Layout
shows categories with their titles, short descriptions. number of meals and View Menu button, depending on settings. Categories
look may vary depending on a parent category or global Settings
Design parameter.Admin Main Menu -> Menus -> [Some Menu] -> Add New Menu item
-> FW Food Menu -> Categories Layout
category title
and short description
text.short description
should appear on this layout.Categories layout
Title image option will show only category Title image
set in a category parameters. Title image
position is defined by parameter below or parameter set in a category. Parameter below has a priority.
Meal slideshow is an option when a category block shows all meals images as a background slideshow for a category block. If this parameter selected only slideshow will be shown.
Both option will show Title image
along with Meal slideshow
at the same time.
None option will show no images at all. Neither Title image nor Meals slideshow even if images are set.
Title image
is visible this parameter will define category image position in relation to a category title.
Categories & Melas layout