![Meals Layout Meals listing layout that show selected categories with their subcategory. Design and layout for every category can be defined for each category independently.<div class="fw-doc-only"><strong>Located</strong> in <code>Admin Main Menu -> Menus -> [Some Menu] -> Add New Menu item</code> -> <code>FW Food Menu -> Meals Layout</code></div>](https://fastw3b.com/images/fwdoc/fwfoodmenu/FWFM_DOC_ADMIN_MENUPARAMS_MEAL.jpg)
Meals listing layout that show selected categories with their subcategory. Design and layout for every category can be defined for each category independently.
Located in
Admin Main Menu -> Menus -> [Some Menu] -> Add New Menu item
-> FW Food Menu -> Meals Layout
Select categories
A category with its subcategories to be shown with selected layout.
Melas list design and placement on a page according to category and layout settings.
Standard FW Food Menu meal layout.
A tab like layout with selected categories with their own design and layout setting.
Order Online
Order page with category list, search bar and order form according to Order Online settingss.
Cascading layout Section FWFM Cascading Layout

Tabs or slideshow layout for meal categories navigation with other parameters.
Top categories
Tabs - all selected categories are shown next to each other and then down below. Looks and works as tabs.
Carousel - one line slider that shows all selected categories as a row and scroll them as you hover and move a mouse over it.
Category block layout parameters are defined below or in a category parameters. Settings below have a higher priority.
Items in a row
A number of items shown per row for a
Title image
Define if category
Title image
should show up and where.
Short description
Short description
as a tag line or a short intro text right below a category name.