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FW Real Estate tutorial for Joomla!

Captcha configuration and settings

Adding captcha to your real estate website is an important security measure. It protects your website against bots by generating tests that human users can pass, but bots fail. FW Real Estate provides all necessary functionality to easily place captcha on your website. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add captcha to your real estate website.

We will proceed as follows:

How to register your website on ReCaptcha

There are plenty of captcha solutions around. We recommend choosing ReCaptcha. To register your website on reCaptcha, follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the link - https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/v3beta.html.

  2. Click My ReCaptcha.

  1. Locate Site registration section.

  2. Mouse over Title textbox and enter Inquiry form into it.

  3. Locate Select ReCaptcha type groupbox and select Checkbox.

  4. Go to the Domains textbox and enter your domain address.

  5. Check Accept ReCaptcha terms and conditions.

  6. Check Send alerts to owners. Thus, you will be notified about suspicious activity on your website.

  7. Click Check in button.

  1. Click Save changes button.

  2. Locate Adding ReCaptcha to the site section and copy your public and private keys.

How to place ReCaptcha on your website

Having registered your website on ReCaptcha, let’s now add it to your website:

  1. Go to the Settings tab. To locate Settings tab, repeat steps 1-3 from Localization tutorial.

  2. Find Captcha section.

  3. Mouse over Inquiry Captcha dropdown and choose ReCaptcha form the list.

  4. Locate ReCaptcha Public Key textbox and paste your public key into it.

  5. Locate ReCaptcha Private Key textbox and paste your private key into it.

  6. Click Save button. Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

Once the settings are saved, go to the front-end to see how it works.