First, let’s enable FW Real Estate Slideshow module.
Locate Modules section following Extensions=>Modules direction.
Find FW Real Estate slideshow module using the search bar.
Enable it clicking the check button.

Now, let’s configure the module.
Click on the module title.
Locate Module tab and configure it. Assign position to the module and give it a title. Use the sample parameters listed in the FW Real Estate Slideshow module configuration and settings section of this tutorial. Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

Switch to the Menu Assignment tab.
Locate Module Assignment dropdown and select On all pages. Thus, the search will be displayed on all pages of your website.
Switch to the Options tab.
Locate Hide on one property and select Yes. As a result, the slideshow will not be displayed on a single property view.
Locate Category dropdown and select All. Thus, the images from all property categories will be displayed in the module.
Mouse over Type and select All. Thus, all property types will be displayed in the module.
Locate Status dropdown and select All. As a result, the properties with all statuses will be shown as a slideshow.
Mouse over Quantity slider control and set it as 10. Thus, 10 images will be shown as a slideshow.
Locate Ordering field and select Random.
Go to the Small Images Width (px) textbox and enter 100. You set a size for small images of the slideshow.

- Locate Big Image Width (px) textbox and enter 350. You set a size for big images of the slideshow.

Locate Display Featured Only and select No.
Locate List position and select Left. Thus, the list with small images will be displayed on the left from the big image.
Mouse over Slideshow pause, sec slider control and set it to 5. Thus, you set intervals between the images within the slideshow.
Click Save button. Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

Once the settings are saved, go to the front-end to see how the module is displayed.