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Single property display

FW Real Estate tutorial for Joomla!

Single property display configuration and settings

Configure your single property display with FW Real Estate. Add/remove addresses, titles, print buttons, property categories, prices, etc. via the Configuration section. In this tutorial, we will learn how to configure your single property display settings.

We will proceed as follows:

How to configure a single property display

First, let’s locate single property display settings:

  1. Go to the Settings tab. To locate the Settings tab, repeat steps 1-3 from Localization tutorial.

  2. Switch to the Properties tab.

  1. Find Single Property Display section.

  2. Locate Display Tabs field and set it as No. Thus, all property details will be displayed under the single property image as sections one below the other, not as tabs.

  3. Locate Display Print Button field and select Yes.

  4. Mouse over Display Property ID field and click Yes.

  5. Locate Display Property Title field and choose Yes.

  6. Go to the Property Title field and select Title.

  1. Mouse over Display Property Address and choose Yes.

  1. Locate Price Field Required and select Yes.

  1. Locate Hide Price Field and choose No. Thus, the price will be displayed on the front-end.

  2. Mouse over Hide Category Field and choose No.

  3. Click Save button. Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

Once the settings are saved, go to the front-end to see single property display.