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Mortgage calculator

FW Real Estate tutorial for Joomla!

FW Real Estate Mortgage Calculator configuration and settings

A mortgage calculator is an essential tool for real estate websites. It helps visitors to understand if they can afford the property they consider to buy. So if your real state website does not have a mortgage calculator, your visitors may eventually leave your website to find the one that has. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add a mortgage calculator to your real estate website.

We will proceed as follows:

How to configure FW Real Estate Mortgage Calculator

First, let’s enable FW Mortgage Calculator module.

  1. Locate Modules section following Extensions=>Modules direction.

  2. Find FW Mortgage Calculator module using the search bar.

  3. Enable it clicking the check button.

Now, let’s configure the module.

  1. Click on the module title.

  2. Locate Module tab and configure it. Assign a position to the module and give it a title. Use the sample parameters listed in the FW Real Estate Mortgage Calculator configuration and settings section of this tutorial. Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

  1. Switch to the Menu Assignment tab.

  2. Locate Module Assignment dropdown and select On all pages. Thus, the search will be displayed on all pages of your website.

  3. Switch to the Options tab.

  4. Locate Currency Sign textbox and enter $.

  5. Mouse over Currency position field and select Before.

  6. Select Currency delimiter dropdown and select Point. As a result, the integer part of the amount will be separated from the fractional part with a point.

  7. Locate Hide groupbox and check all positions. Thus, all checked positions will be shown in the module.

  8. Locate Default Annual Interest Rate textbox and enter 6 into it.

  9. Mouse over Default Amortization Schedule and select Annual.

  10. Click Save button. Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

Once the settings are saved, go to the front-end to see how the module is displayed.