
Category Add/Edit

FW Food Menu tutorial for Wordpress

Category functional and design settings.<div class="fw-doc-only"><strong>Located</strong> in <code>WP Admin -> Menu Sidebar -> FW Food Menu -> Categories -> click New/Edit button </code></div>
Category functional and design settings.
Located in WP Admin -> Menu Sidebar -> FW Food Menu -> Categories -> click New/Edit button
Save all category parameters and remain on edit form. Helpful when you try different parameters and check changes on a front-end.
Save & Close
Save all category parameters and close edit form going back to Categories.
Save & New
Save all parameters for current category and open a new category edit form.
Save as Copy
Create a new category based on current category settings and remain on edit form.
Dismiss all changes and close edit category form.
Main settings Tab
To get into Main Settings tab in Admin panel go to FW Food Menu -> Categories -> New/Edit button in Toolbar.
General Section
General Section
Publish state indicates if category is visible on front-end (site).
Set a meaningful category name as a text.
Unique part of URL for a category. For new or empty value will be automatically transliterated from name by standard Joomla! rules.
Parent category
Parent category allows to define a sub-category if you need to use category tree instead of plain category list.
Short description
Plain text field that is shown on a Category layout on front-end on category hover.
Category Description Section
HTML category description editor selected in your global admin settings.
SEO Booster Section FWFM SEO Booster
Description and keywords shown in a category page as meta tags.
Description and keywords shown in a category page as meta tags.
Meta description
A short description text (50-160) characters with most essential and informative info that describes a category.
Meta keywords
Comma separated words that describe content of a category to be added as meta information tag.
Title Image Section FWFM Images
Title Image Section
Title Image
Image that can be placed near category title depending on selected position in Design & Layout tab.
Category PDF Ffile Section FWFM Category PDF
Upload a PDF file to allow your customers download alternative menu version.
Upload a PDF file to allow your customers download alternative menu version.
Display PDF download button
Shows PDF download link, if PDF file is uploaded in a meal category.
PDF menu file
Upload a PDF file for a current meal category. Max upload file size is controlled by PHP settings on your server.
Design & Layout Tab
Category layout Section
Parameters that modify category appearance.
Parameters that modify category appearance.
Select from available designs or leave Default from global Settings. Designs can be added via add-ons section.
Show Title
Hides category title when you use a parent category to design a column layout for inner categories.
Short description
A short text that is shown under a category title on both Category and Meals layouts.
Category description position
Use category description position to create unique design for every category and place some HTML info right where you need it.
Category alignment
Align category title and short description text.
Images FWFM Images
Images parameters for <code>Category</code> and <code>Meals</code> in it.
Images parameters for Category and Meals in it.
Category title image position
Set where category image should show up or hide it if not needed for this Category title.
Meal image position
Set where meal images should show up or hide it if not needed for this category.
Meal image size
You can specify max image width and height size in pixels here. If container will become smaller than one of the values the other parameter will be calculated keeping ratio of proportion set.
Columns FWFM Columns
Defines a number of columns for a meals layout in a category.
Defines a number of columns for a meals layout in a category.
Columns in a row
Defines a number of columns in one row in Categories & Melas layout.
Category column direction

Defines if meals are added to columns horizontally or vertically. Makes a big difference if all meals have different sizing.

Vertical option means that meals will go in columns with a number of meals per column defined by a total number of meals in a category divided by a number of columns.

Horizontal option means that meals will go in rows with number of elements per row defined by a column number.

Allow category break

Defines if sub-categories shown in several columns can be broken to even number of meals in each column. Or deny breaking to keep a category as one block.

Foe example, if there are 9 meals in a category and a category allows breaking you will get equal number of meals in each column. For 3 columns you will get 3-3-3. For 2 columns you will get 5-4. If you a category does not allow breaking you will always have 1 column with 9 meals in it.

Color & Background FWFM Color & Background
Design category and meals in this category to your taste.
Design category and meals in this category to your taste.
Category text color
Set a text color that is in contrast with category background color.
Category title background
A background color under a title. Helps to set contast color if original title color was changed.
Category title color
Change a color of a title that works better for your design.
Category background color
Set a solid color for all category.
Category background image
Set a background image that will be show underneath a category text centered vertically and horizontally. You can style background image position with CSS Styles section as well as other elements that need tuning.
Category background position
A position of a selected background image in a category box. Use pixels, percents or text definitions to set postion.
Category border
Set width, type and color for a category box.
Category padding
Allows to set paddings in a category to make it look nicer when background is set. You can use 1 value for all sides or 4 space separated values for top right bottom left.
Meal title color
Change a color of a title that works better for your design.
Meal text color
Set a text color that is in contrast with meal background color.
Meal background color
Set a solid color for all meals in a category.
Meal background image
Set a background image that will be show underneath a meal text centered vertically and horizontally. You can style background image position with CSS Styles section as well as other elements that need tuning.
Meal padding
Allows to set paddings in a meal box to make it look nicer when background is set. You can use 1 value for all sides or 4 space separated values for top right bottom left.
Meals layout Section
Parameters that apply to meal items.
Parameters that apply to meal items.
Align meal content
Align meal title, price and description text as you need inside a meal box.