
FWFM Category PDF

FW Food Menu tutorial for Wordpress

Adds <strong>PDF menu file</strong> version to any category. A new <strong>PDF file upload option</strong> will be available for <code>Category Add/Edit</code> page as soon as add-on is installed and activated. There is also <strong>Show/Hide option</strong> in case you decide not to publish uploaded <strong>PDF file</strong>, but want to keep it in a category for some reason.
Adds PDF menu file version to any category. A new PDF file upload option will be available for Category Add/Edit page as soon as add-on is installed and activated. There is also Show/Hide option in case you decide not to publish uploaded PDF file, but want to keep it in a category for some reason.
Multi-level meal Categories. Use category parameters to design unique style for a group of categories by setting parameters for parent gallery or individually.
Located in WP Admin -> Menu Sidebar -> FW Food Menu -> Categories
Table columns
Shows a PDF file icon if PDF menu is uploaded for a category.
Category Add/Edit
Category functional and design settings.
Located in WP Admin -> Menu Sidebar -> FW Food Menu -> Categories -> click New/Edit button
Main settings Tab
To get into Main Settings tab in Admin panel go to FW Food Menu -> Categories -> New/Edit button in Toolbar.
Category PDF Ffile Section FWFM Category PDF
Upload a PDF file to allow your customers download alternative menu version.
Upload a PDF file to allow your customers download alternative menu version.
Display PDF download button
Shows PDF download link, if PDF file is uploaded in a meal category.
PDF menu file
Upload a PDF file for a current meal category. Max upload file size is controlled by PHP settings on your server.
Global FW Food Menu parameters grouped by categories. Note that global Meals and Categories Layout parameters can be overwritten with a Category settings.
Located in WP Admin -> Menu Sidebar -> FW Food Menu -> Settings
Design & Layout Tab
A group of parameters broken into sections to define a layout appearance and show/hide page elements with certain options.
Category layout Section
Parameters that modify a category appearance.
Display PDF download button FWFM Category PDF
Shows PDF download link, if PDF file is uploaded in a meal category.