

FW Gallery tutorial for Wordpress

Text commands that allow to add FW Gallery layouts to a post and define parameters available for layouts and add-ons. Shortcode always looks like [fwmg_shortcode parameter1="xyz" parameter2="abc" ...].

There are 7 shortcodes available in FW Gallery:

  • [fwmg_categories] - categories or single category layout - FW Gallery plugin.
  • [fwmg_file] - single file layout - FW Gallery plugin.
  • [fwmg_usersection] - user section layout - FW Gallery plugin.
  • [fwmg_mod_latest] - latest/selected files block - FWG Latest Files add-on.
  • [fwmg_mod_map] - files on Google Maps block - FWG Files on Map add-on.
  • [fwmg_mod_search] - search and filer form - FWG Search & Filter add-on.
  • [fwmg_mod_fwgallery] - a block that allow to show file as a grid element - FWG Layout Anywhere add-on.

Apart from shortcode there are plugin extensions that we call add-ons, which can be turned off with any shortcode if required. See Plugins section below for more information.

By default, all installed add-ons (plugins) are on.

Another type of add-ons is design. Design allows setting theme parameter and change layout appearance. See Designs section for more information.

Designs can only be applied to FW Gallery Categories layout shortcode.

Topics in this section

Category layout
Categories shortcode shows a category or categories selected as a list of their sub-categories (if any) and files grid. If category is not set, all top categories will be shown. Please note that every category has lots of parameters for design and layout in admin panel.
File layout
Single file layout shows a single file with various design and functional elements set in parent Category settings. This layout can be used as some type of slideshow, if category thumbnail preview is enabled. It would allow quick category browsing with a selected file set as the starting point.
User section
FW Gallery front-end section for users where add-ons like Front-end Manager will appear if installed.
Latest files
Display files from a category in a module in different layouts, with different filter options and ordering.
Search & filter
Galleries and images display on Google Maps.
Files on map
Search file name and description in a category.Filter files by type if you use multiple types.Filter files by tags if you use FWG Tags add-on.
File grid layout
Place a category or a single file view in a module position or content with all individual category settings.
Functional add-ons
There is a list of functional add-ons that extend main functionality. Those add-ons can be switched on/off using plugins parameter. If multiple add-ons needs to be switched off, use I (pipe) symbol to add an extra add-on. Example: [fwmg_categories plugins="tag:off|meta:off"]
FW Gallery shortcodes can change layouts with template parameter if any design add-ons are installed. The list of available designs can be found below. Example: [fwmg_categories category_id="14,8,17" template="classic"]