File parameters and description.

Action buttons available for items selected in the list below.
Save all file parameters and remain on edit form. Helpful when you try different parameters and check changes on a front-end.
Save & Close
Save all category parameters and close edit form going back to Files.
Dismiss all changes and close edit file form.
General Section

Key file parameters like name, category, upload date, owner and extra add-ons fields.
Publish state indicates if a file is visible on front-end (site).
Set a meaningful file name as a text. By default it is a physical file name, but can be set to anything.
Category where a file belongs to. There is only one category you can use for one file. If you need multiple references you may user Tags add-on.
Copyright FWG Meta Data
An ownership text reference or note. Entered manually or imported with FWG File Meta Data add-on.
Upload date
A file upload date. This parameter can be used in files grid setting to set ordering by date.
Owner user
A Joomla! user who uploaded a file or was assigned as its owner.
Access level
Select a Joomla! user level who can view this file on a front-end.
Tags FWG Tags
Any text names that describe a file and help to asocciate it. Tags can also be used in search module or build a tags category, defining tags to show all files that have one of them.
Featured FWG Featured Files
Mark a file as featured to show it on top of the list or shown in a Featured only list.
Image file Section

A JPEG, JPG, PNG or GIF image file.
File Description Section
HTML file description editor selected in your global admin settings.
Video file Section FWG Video

A self-hosted mp4 file or remote YouTube or Vimeo.
mp4 file will be stored on your server and loaded form it. Remote YouTube and Vimeo videos will load and play from remote servers.
Video ID/URL
Remote video ID (code) or full URL. Time shifted videos for YouTube with time parameters are allowed.
MP4 file
Self-hosted mp4 video file that will be uploaded to a server and played from it.
A video preview image that represents video content. For remote videos preview is downloaded on save. To reload remote video image preview press Remove button and then Save video again.
Video file info Section FWG Video

Video file resolution and duration. Info is loaded automatically for remote files.
Video screen size defined with width and height in pixels.
A video length in hours:minutes:seconds format.
Audio file Section FWG Audio

A self-hosted mp3, wav, acc file and a file preview.
Audio file
Self-hosted mp3, wav, acc audio file that will be uploaded to a server and played from it.
An audio preview image that represents audio content.
Audio file info Section FWG Audio

Audio file duration. Info is loaded automatically when file is uploaded.
An audio length in hours:minutes:seconds format.
SEO Meta Tags Section FWG SEO Booster

Meta tags that will show on a file page in a header.
A list of key words for search engines that represent or describe a file the best. If empty a file name will be used or tags, if availabe. Try not to use more than 30 keywords.
A short text for search engines that describes a file the best. If empty a file description will be used, if availabe. A range of 50 to 160 symbols, including white spaces, is recommended.
GEO Location Section FWG Files on Map

Set GEO coordinates to show file's location, where it was taken or reltaes to.
Set lattitude and longitude for a file to present it as a thumbnail image on a map.
Text address field, that will be used to calculate coordinates shown on a map.