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FW Gallery tutorial for Wordpress

Topics in this section

FWG Slideshow Layout
Adds a slideshow view for galleries layout also available for Layout Anywhere module add-on. Full image slideshow presentation view with auto-scroll, thubmnails and file infobox. A wide list of settings available for infobox to configure what information goes with a slideshow.
FWG Front-end Manager
Galleries and files management via front-end.
FWG Tabbed Layout
One click categories access with speedy page reload. Tabbed Layout helps to simplify complex tree navigation and category load speed. Selected catgeories with their sub-categories are rendered as tabs/buttons flat structure, allowing to access any category with one click. Clicking a category will load a category view with its design and settings via AJAX (only gallery part will be reloaded, no the whole page).
FWG Files Import
Adds Import Files section to Admin -> Data Management -> Add-ons tab allowing importing files from a server folder, Instagram, Facebook and Google Photos.
FWG Tags
Add tags to any files, group files and create galleries by tags, search by tags using Tags Add-on.
FWG Vote & Rate
Stars rating or thumbs/heart votes will be shown for rateted/voted files in this column.
FWG File Meta Data
All meta information that comes with file gets imported.GEO location data importDate/time importTags importCamera settings import
FWG Layout Anywhere
Place a category or a single file view in a module position or content with all individual category settings.
FWG Featured Files
Highlight important files as featured to show them on top or use them for a separate showcase in Latest Module.
FWG Social Share
Share your images on social media.
FWG Latest Files
Display files from a category in a module in different layouts, with different filter options and ordering.
FWG Search & Filter
Search file name and description in a category.Filter files by type if you use multiple types.Filter files by tags if you use FWG Tags add-on.
FWG Files on Map
Galleries and images display on Google Maps.