Place a category or a single file view in a module position or content with all individual category settings.
- 4 grids
- Different designs
- Show/hide items for gallery/file info
- Use loadmodule plugin to insert a gallery into an article.
Module class suffix
A class name that is added to standard Joomla! 'moduletable' wrapper class.
Select a file
A class name that is added to standard Joomla! 'moduletable' wrapper class.
Select categories
A class name that is added to standard Joomla! 'moduletable' wrapper class.
Category layout
A class name that is added to standard Joomla! 'moduletable' wrapper class.
Standard FW Gallery native layout
A table-like grid structure for sub-categories and files grids.
Flat FWG Flat Layout
A category layout with all subcategories being shown in sections making a long page with all files on one single page.
Cascading FWG Cascading Layout
A tab-like category layout with all selected categories and their sub-categories listed on top and loaded with AJAX with their own design and settings.
Slideshow FWG Slideshow Layout
A slide show files presentation of a category with its sub-categories listed on top of a slideshow area. Lots of settings are available for configuration.
Add-ons parameters
All parameters added by other add-ons will be listed here.
FWG Slideshow Layout FWG Slideshow Layout
Parameters below will only take effect if Slidehow layout is selected.
File layout
Choose file layout to show as a file in a grid or a single file view.
File float
Enable file float to align content around the file.
File width, %
Control file width area in relation to article or parent container width.