Galleries and files management via front-end.
- Easy to manage interface
- Flexible files management
- Multi-level galleries
- Stunning on hover effects
- Beautiful display effects for file info
- Gallery setting by tags
Global FW Gallery parameters grouped by categories. Note that global Categories and Files design and layout parameters can be overwritten with individual category or file settings.
Add-ons Tab
All settings available in installed FW Gallery add-ons are listed on this tab.
Front-end Manager Parameters Section FWG Front-end Manager

Setting for Front-end Manager operation on a website.
Front-end Manager access
Define a Joomla! user level can acess Front-end Manager section on a website.
Allow manage categories
Define if a user in a Manager can edit existing categories.
Allow new categories
Define if a user in a Manager can create new categories.
User access
Define if a user in a Manager can access other categories or only stay in his own.
New files verification
Define if all new files need manual approbval from Admin and must be stored unpublished or they may be published automatically withot a review.