

FW Gallery tutorial for Wordpress

Global FW Gallery parameters grouped by categories. Note that global Categories and Files design and layout parameters can be overwritten with individual category or file settings.
Global FW Gallery parameters grouped by categories. Note that global Categories and Files design and layout parameters can be overwritten with individual category or file settings.
Action buttons available for items selected in the list below.
Action buttons available for items selected in the list below.
Save parameters in all tabs and remain on Settings page. Helpful when you try different parameters and check changes on a front-end.
General Tab
Standard Category settings realted to extension's basic functioality.
Standard Category settings realted to extension's basic functioality.
Common Settings Section
General extension parameters that affect all extension views.
General extension parameters that affect all extension views.
Date format
Localize date format to your country/audience standards.
Load Bootstrap 4
If your global Joomla! template uses Bootstrap 4, you may switch it off to avoid loading the same files twice.
Load Font Awesome 5
If your global Joomla! template uses Font Awesome, you may switch off to avoid loading the same files twice.
Font size
All CSS styling is done in rem which is based on default HTML font size. We use 16px size for all calulcations whcih means 1 rem = 16 px. To increase or decrese font size you should change this number.
Add-ons layout settings
Advanced parameters for experts only. Allows to enable/disbale certain add-ons on a menu item layout. This parameter is Hide by default and we recommend to keep it so unless you know exactly what you are doing.
Auto-update of the component and installed add-ons on dashboard view
Comments Section
Commenting system available for discussing published files.
Commenting system available for discussing published files.
Comment system
Select a comment system to be used for file discussion.
Disqus shortname
A shor Discqus name form your account to activate comment thread.
Image sizes Section
Image storage optimization parameters to keep minimum imgae size required and save space on server.
Image storage optimization parameters to keep minimum imgae size required and save space on server.
Maximum stored
Maximum image resolution stored on server after a file is uploaded. This resolution is also used for a full-screen preview.
Category cover
Maximum resolution for a category cover image thumbnail create based on maximum resolution stored.
File thumb
Maximum resolution for a file image thumbnail create based on maximum resolution stored.
Single file
Maximum resolution for a single file image preview create based on maximum resolution stored.
Watermark Section
A text or image sign that is placed on top of an image to protect authorship.
A text or image sign that is placed on top of an image to protect authorship.
Use watermark
Defines if a watermark is applied to images when shown on a front-end.
Watermark position on an image file.
Image file
An image file (usually PNG or GIF with transparent background) that is put on top of original image or thumbnail.
Use text to create a watermark. A back text will be put on top of an image. Image file parametr must be empty for text watermark to work.
Category design Tab
Category header, sub-categories grid and grid item paratemers.
Category header, sub-categories grid and grid item paratemers.
Category header Section
Top category block above categories and files grids, containing general category information.
Top category block above categories and files grids, containing general category information.
Hides or show a category name at the top of a page.
Last update date
Displays a date when a category was modified the last. Modification includes changing category paratemers or file upload.
Owner user
Shows Joomla! user name who created a category or was assigned as an owner.
Items counter
Displays a number of sub-categories in a current category and number of files of each type.
Defines if category description should be shown in a category header.
Description position
Specify where description should be placed in relation to categroy grid.
Shows category flat tree structure with clickable parent categories.
Tags FWG Tags
Show tags list if category was set by tags. This option available only if Tags add-on is installed.
Sub-categories grid Section
Grid layout settings for sub-categories in this category.
Grid layout settings for sub-categories in this category.
A set number of sub-categories in a row.
Set an integer number of rows for sub-categories to be shown without pagination.
Allows user to change a number of visible sub-categories on a page. Limit will be shown only if a number of sub-categories is bigger than Columns * Rows number. Limit is always proportional to Columns * Rows number.
Shows ordering dropdown on a front-end to allow users change sub-categories ordering.
Ordering default
An ordering value set by default on a front-end.
Defines a pagination type that will be shown only if number of sub-categories is bigger than Columns * Rows number. Standard pagination is a native Joomla! pagination with page reload. Ajax load more is an on-page extra galleries load. No page refresh is needed.
Sub-category grid item Section
Design and layout for single a sub-category in a grid.
Design and layout for single a sub-category in a grid.
Defines a design for sub-categories and files items. Default design is Bootstrap.
Category info
A block of a category description that include all text and icons information. Here you may specify if this block is visible and how exactly it will be shown on a front-end.
Cover hover effect
Defines an effect for cover image to be trigerred on hover.
Hides or show a category name.
Last update date
Displays a date when a category was modified the last. Modification includes changing category paratemers or file upload.
Owner user
Shows Joomla! user name who created a category or was assigned as an owner.
Items counter
Displays a number of sub-categories in a current category and number of files of each type.
Defines if category description should be shown.
Description length
Maximum number of characters for text version of description to shown. The rest will be trimmed. HTML formatting is removed.
Video cover autoplay
Enables video cover to strat playback when a category is hovered.
Tags FWG Tags
Show tags list if category was set by tags. This option available only if Tags add-on is installed.
Files design Tab
Category files grid, grid item and single file page parameters.
Category files grid, grid item and single file page parameters.
Files grid Section
Grid layout settings for files in this category.
Grid layout settings for files in this category.
Defines a grid layout used for files presentation.
A set number of sub-categories in a row.
Set an integer number of rows for sub-categories to be shown without pagination.
Open file as
Set an integer number of rows for sub-categories to be shown without pagination.
Allows user to change a number of visible sub-categories on a page. Limit will be shown only if a number of sub-categories is bigger than Columns * Rows number. Limit is always proportional to Columns * Rows number.
Shows ordering dropdown on a front-end to allow users change sub-categories ordering.
Ordering default
An ordering value set by default on a front-end.
Defines a pagination type that will be shown only if number of sub-categories is bigger than Columns * Rows number. Standard pagination is a native Joomla! pagination with page reload. Ajax load more is an on-page extra galleries load. No page refresh is needed.
Files grid item Section
Design and layout for a file item in a grid.
Design and layout for a file item in a grid.
Show info
A block of a file description that include all text and icons information. Here you may specify if this block is visible and how exactly it will be shown on a front-end.
File hover effect
Defines an effect for cover image to be trigerred on hover.
Hides or show a file name.
Upload date
Displays a date when a file was uploaded.
Owner user
Shows Joomla! user name who created a category or was assigned as an owner.
Defines if category description should be shown.
Description length
Maximum number of characters for text version of description to shown. The rest will be trimmed. HTML formatting is removed.
Download button
Shows Download but for files which are physically stored on a website and can be downloaded as a file.
Download access
Set access for user level who will see Download button and will be able to download files.
Download file
Select which file will be downloaded when download button is clicked. Original + Watermark option would be a newly generated file which will loose all meta data that original file had. All meta information is lost when a watermark is applied to a file.
File type icon
Shows an icon at the bottom right corner of info block that represents a file type.
Video autoplay on hover FWG Video
Enables video cover to strat playback when a file is hovered.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Rating type FWG Vote & Rate
Stars allow rate a file from 1 to 5 starts. Hearts work as likes and will only show those who liked a file. Thumbs will show both positive and negative votes.
Tags FWG Tags
Show tags list assigned to a file.
Share buttons FWG Social
Show share buttons to post file link to configured social networks.
Display Address FWG Files on Map
Enables file coordinates to be shown in a file grid view.
Featured first FWG Featured Files
Defines featured files presentation. Featured files will always show on top if visible. You can also choose to show featured files only.
File view Section
Design and layout for a file page or lightbox.
Design and layout for a file page or lightbox.
Full screen preview
Enables an option to open a file for a full screen preview.
Category thumnails
Thumbnails of the other files in this category that can be used as category navigation.
Category link
A link to file's parent category that allows to return from a file page/lightbox to a category files grid.
File info
A block of a file description that include all text and icons information. Here you may specify if this block is visible and how exactly it will be shown on a front-end.
Hides or show a file name.
Upload date
Displays a date when a file was uploaded.
Owner user
Shows Joomla! user name who created a category or was assigned as an owner.
Defines if category description should be shown.
Download button
Shows Download but for files which are physically stored on a website and can be downloaded as a file.
Video autoplay on hover FWG Video
Enables video cover to strat playback when a file is hovered.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Tags FWG Tags
Show tags list assigned to a file.
Share buttons FWG Social
Show share buttons to post file link to configured social networks.
Display Address FWG Files on Map
Enables file coordinates to be shown on a single file page.
Add-ons Tab
All settings available in installed FW Gallery add-ons are listed on this tab.
All settings available in installed FW Gallery add-ons are listed on this tab.
Vote & Rate Section FWG Vote & Rate
Allows to vote or rate files with a selected rating type.
Allows to vote or rate files with a selected rating type.
Non-registered voting
Allow non-registered visitors to vote on files.
Slideshow Layout Section FWG Slideshow Layout
Category files slideshow can be used as a category menu item view or in Layout Anywhere module.
Category files slideshow can be used as a category menu item view or in Layout Anywhere module.
Rating FWG Vote & Rate
Enables files rating in this category of a defined rating type.
Rating type FWG Vote & Rate
Stars allow rate a file from 1 to 5 starts. Hearts work as likes and will only show those who liked a file. Thumbs will show both positive and negative votes.
Share buttons FWG Social
Show share buttons to post file link to configured social networks.
File ordering
Category files ordering in a slideshow.
Transition effect
Select a transition effect for file images in a slideshow on change.
Files quantity
A number of files to load for thumbnails at slideshow load.
Thumbnails position
Define where category files thumbnails must be located in relation to slideshow area.
Thumbnails type
Thumbnails can be clickable image buttons or can be a carousel slider with files image preview moving along with a mouse or a finger move.
Thumbnail size
Thumbnails will be square and will fit all area to look nice in thumnail line.
Show main image
Hiding main image allows to keep only thumbnail slider and have it as a slider with quick preview of category files.
Image fit
Define if image must fill all space or fit it leaving blank spaces if it doesn't fit slidehsow area perfectly by proportions.
Slideshow height
Slideshow area height on a page on laptops and large mobile screens.
Mobile medium height
Slideshow area height on a page on medium mobile screens.
Mobile small height
Slideshow area height on a page on small mobile screens.
Slideshow delay
Set a delay between slideshow files scroll.
Define if slideshow needs to start automatically after a page is loaded.
Slideshow info
A block of a file description that include all text and icons information. Here you may specify if this block is visible on a front-end.
Defines a design for sub-categories and files in slideshow. Default design is Bootstrap.
Category info
A block of a category description on top of slideshow. Information will include all items visible by a category settings like category name, description, counters, etc.
Show sub-categories
Allows to hide sub-categories for a selected files category to keep slideshow view clean.
File name
Hides or show a file name.
Upload date
Displays a date when a file was uploaded.
Owner user
Shows Joomla! user name who created a file or was assigned as an owner.
Description length
Maximum number of characters for text version of description to shown. The rest will be trimmed. HTML formatting is removed.
Download button
Shows Download but for files which are physically stored on a website and can be downloaded as a file.
File info
File resolution and size information.
File type icon
Shows an icon at the bottom right corner of info block that represents a file type.
Social Share Section FWG Social
Turn on/off social share buttons to allow visitors share files with their friends.
Turn on/off social share buttons to allow visitors share files with their friends.
Opens a new window at to let you log in and share file name and a link to it.
Opens a new window at to let you log in and share file name and a link to it.
Opens a new window at to let you log in and share file name and a link to it.
Opens a new window at to let you log in and share file name and a link to it.
Opens a new window at to let you log in and share file name and a link to it.
Opens a new window at to let you log in and share file name and a link to it.
Opens a Viber to let you share file name and a link to it.
What's App
Opens a What's App to let you share file name and a link to it.
SEO Options Section FWG SEO Booster
Settings for SEO friendly URLs, file names, ALT tags and Google data.
Settings for SEO friendly URLs, file names, ALT tags and Google data.
Category URL mask
The mask example: {site}_{category}_custom_text
Category image filename mask
The category image mask example: {site}_{category}_custom_text
Category image ALT tag mask
The mask example: {site} {category} {file} custom text
File image filename mask
The file image mask example: {site}_{category}_{file}_custom_text
File URL mask
The mask example: {site}_{category}_{file}_custom_text
File image ALT tag mask
The category image mask example: {site} {category} custom text
Google structured data
Adds Structured Data code to enrich Real Estate listings markup with tags for search bots to read data and present it in the search results. Structured data is a standardized format to mark up the information about the web page. It serves to search engines like Google, Bing and others to better understand what the web page is about.
File Meta Data Section FWG File Meta Data
Imports file meta information from EXIF, IPCT, XML tags info files fields at upload.
Imports file meta information from EXIF, IPCT, XML tags info files fields at upload.
Tags priority

Select an order how tags should be processed. If a tag matching a file field is found it a tag all other occurrences will be ignored.

For example, if Copyright was found in the highest priority IPCT meta data all others will be ignored.

Show IPTC tags
Select if IPTC image tags shoudl be visible on a single file view under an image preview.
Map Parameters Section FWG Files on Map
Google Maps is the only map available for map at this point.
Google Maps is the only map available for map at this point.
Google Maps key
Google Maps key registered for your website to allow map presentation.
Front-end Manager Parameters Section FWG Front-end Manager
Setting for Front-end Manager operation on a website.
Setting for Front-end Manager operation on a website.
Front-end Manager access
Define a Joomla! user level can acess Front-end Manager section on a website.
Allow manage categories
Define if a user in a Manager can edit existing categories.
Allow new categories
Define if a user in a Manager can create new categories.
User access
Define if a user in a Manager can access other categories or only stay in his own.
New files verification
Define if all new files need manual approbval from Admin and must be stored unpublished or they may be published automatically withot a review.